The Northern Economic Dependencies Dashboard (NEDD)

September 9, 2024

At the end of August, Northern Development Initiative Trust launched a new economic visualization tool that provides economic insights for northern and central British Columbia.

The Northern Economic Dependencies Dashboard – or NEDD – presents information at three different levels: for the north/central region as a whole, the nine regional districts in Northern Development’s service region, and 32 local areas – which combines the region’s communities, including First Nations.

NEDD aims to help residents, economic development officers, and local and First Nation governments understand the impact of economic changes and industry transitions in their communities.

Features of NEDD include:
-Visualization of economic data at regional, district, and local levels
-Analysis of industry diversity, location quotients, and employment impact ratios
-Insights into population changes, job distribution, and income dependencies
-Forest sector vulnerability index

The dashboard offers both current snapshots and five-year change data, allowing users to track economic trends over time. It provides a range of indicators, from basic population and job data to more complex economic metrics such as industry diversity indices and local supply shares.

NEDD is designed to be user-friendly, featuring drop-down menus, printable graphics, and easy comparisons. It also allows for the download of raw data for custom analysis.