Six former interns-turned-CAOs meet with Minister Cullen – throw back to 2022

May 3, 2022

Back L-R:  Gerald Pinchbeck, David Schroeter, Michael Dewar, Minister Cullen, Daniel Fish.
Front L-R: Robyn Carle, Lina Gasser.
Photo: Lina Gasser

On April 22 and 23, Nathan Cullen, Minister of Municipal Affairs and MLA for Stikine, met with members of the NW Resource Benefits Alliance (RBA). Present at the meeting were six former Northern Development interns, who were attending due to their current roles in local government. The former interns took advantage of the spontaneous mini reunion and took a photo together with Minister Cullen.

Below are details about each person’s Northern Development internship and their current position.

NameInternship programInternship yearInternship hostCurrent position
Robyn CarleEconomic Development2011Northern DevelopmentCAO, Village of Hazelton
Michael DewarLocal Government2015City of Prince RupertCAO, District of Houston
Daniel FishEconomic Development2012Northern DevelopmentCAO, North Coast Regional District
Lina GasserLocal Government2015District of Fort St. JamesCAO, Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine
Gerald PinchbeckLocal Government2014City of QuesnelCAO, District of Vanderhoof
David SchroeterLocal Government2018District of Fort St. JamesCAO, Fort St. James

“Seeing so many intern alumni representing their communities during this meeting with Minister Cullen was an unexpected and joyful surprise,” said Alanna Le Cerf, internships program manager, Northern Development. “Since the beginning, the internship programs have been developed to provide a solid foundation for recent post-secondary graduates who are looking to begin a fulfilling career in local government. This picture shows the long-term positive impacts the programs are having in the north and beyond.”

The Trust offers two internships: local government and First Nations government. At this time, there are three placements remaining for 2022, one in each District of Fort St. James, District of Mackenzie and Peace River Regional District. For information about the internship programs visit