BVX boosts economy

April 6, 2023

Photos: BVX

The Bulkley Valley Exhibition (BVX) annually attracts 24,000 people through its gates on the Smithers Fairgrounds. Visitors enjoy live entertainment, 4-H showings, amusement rides, food, vendors and camaraderie all while celebrating agriculture in the valley.

With approximately 70 per cent of attendees coming from outside Smithers, the fair positively impacts the local economy by bringing people to local accommodations, restaurants, shops and other businesses.

The Bulkley Valley Agricultural and Industrial Association (BVAIA) is responsible for hosting the event year after year. With a core group of 25 paid staff for the event, they rely on 450 volunteers and numerous sponsors to create a family-friendly and enjoyable multi-day spectacle.

Since 2016, BVAIA has successfully applied to Northern Development’s Fabulous Festivals and Events funding program six times. The $5,000 grant helps them raise awareness of the event through television and media advertisements, posters and other marketing materials.

2021 was the last year they received a grant for the exhibition and they have been approved for a $5,000 grant for the 2023 edition.

“Organizing and hosting the Bulkley Valley Exhibition in 2021 was both an unusual challenge and extraordinarily rewarding opportunity,” said Jan McLary, general manager, BVAIA. “We knew that our community and region were desiring opportunities for social interaction and a sense of normalcy. Our main takeaway was how appreciative the public was to have an event to attend. We were thanked more for putting on the fair than we have ever been!”

The 2023 BVX will be held at the Smithers Fairgrounds August 24-27.