Love Northern BC Egg-Stravaganza egg-ceeds expectations

April 30, 2021

In April 2021, Love Northern BC hosted their first ever Easter Contest, the Love Northern BC Egg-Stravaganza. During the contest period, the Easter Bunny had truly taken over the entire website (, replacing the classic hearts with pastel eggs! Participants were encouraged to hunt for their favourite local, independent businesses by adding them to a digital ‘basket’ when they clicked on the Easter Eggs. Followers of the @lovenorthernbc Facebook and Instagram pages were encouraged to visit the website to participate.

One of the promotional graphics used to build awareness about the contest.

From March 29th to April 9th, participants were encouraged to use the “Favourites” feature on the website, essentially a Pinterest board for local, independent businesses. The winner, a woman based in Fort St. John, was randomly selected from a list of more than 40 participants from across the region. She won a $100 Support Local BC gift certificate to use at a local, independent business of her choosing to keep the ‘shop local’ spirit flowing in the region.

Easter eggs represent Love Northern BC communities.