In 2007, Village of Ashcroft received a $13,450 grant from Northern Development through the Community Halls and Recreation Facilities program towards this $40,765 project. This has been a funding partnership of Village of Ashcroft, Northern Development, Ashcroft and District Curling Club, and Olympic/Paralympic Live Sites
2012- The Village of Ashcroft undertook a substantial renovation to the community’s fifty year old curling rink in 2007. The major component of the renovations, a modern new roof, was designed to better withstand the elements and will ensure the rink remains a special gathering place for the community for years to come.
The curling rink’s new roof enabled the facility to be used as an Olympic Live Site during the 2010 Olympics. This event brought residents together at the newly renovated rink where they were able to enjoy the Olympic festivities and celebrate Canada’s many gold medal wins.
"Ashcroft has curling once again! In a community where curling has been a major source of social and physical activity during the winter months it was very disappointing to have to close the doors on the facility due to roof deterioration. With the funding from Northern Development and the Village of Ashcroft, we were able to replace the roof and curling was able to resume in our community."
Michelle Allen, Chief Administrative Officer, Village of Ashcroft"League play in the Ashcroft and District Curling Club is growing in numbers and seniors are coming out as well. Bonspiels provide a much needed social event during the cold winter months following Christmas. Northern Development's Community Halls and Recreation Facilities program helped make this project a reality - the citizens of Ashcroft and area are once again able to throw the rocks, sweep the ice and enjoy the entire curling experience."
Michelle Allen, Chief Administrative Officer, Village of AshcroftWith the new improvements made to Ashcroft's curling facility, the club is now able to host bonspiels and other tournament events, bringing people into the community and creating significant positive economic spin-offs. In addition, the new roof on the curling rink has allowed the Ashcroft and District Curling Club to resume operations, re-establishing a valued community group to Ashcroft and the surrounding area, while enhancing the social framework of the community.