In 2009, Nechako Valley Sporting Association received a $28,454 grant from Northern Development through the Community Halls and Recreation Facilities program towards this $85,362 project. This has been a funding partnership of Nechako Valley Sporting Association, Northern Development, and Community Economic Diversification Initiative
2012- Located in Vanderhoof and host to numerous community clubs ranging from cross country skiers to rod ang gun enthusiasts and conservationists, the Nechako Valley Sporting Association completed major upgrades to the society’s clubhouse in order to increase the ability of the association to rent the facility to other groups in the community, particularly during cold winter months.
Under this project, a geothermal heating system was installed that replaced the facility’s reliance on a small pellet-fired stove, energy efficient windows were installed throughout the clubhouse, a new roof and new insulation was installed to lower the cost of heating the facility, and two fully accessible washrooms were added to the facility. These renovations now allow the numerous community groups who rely on the building for their events,to continue to use the facility for their events.
Most importantly, this project is enabling the Nechako Valley Sporting Association to more readily rent the facility throughout the year and to a wider range of user groups, bringing new revenue into the association that is directly enhancing the financial sustainability of the society. The Nechako Valley Sporting Association Clubhouse serves as a social hub for the area and hosts numerous events throughout the year that draw visitors to the community of Vanderhoof and the Nechako Valley. The upgrades undertaken in this project will help ensure that the facility and the society will continue to support the community.
"Since completing our renovations project, the hall is considerably more enjoyable to use, the geothermal heating that replaced a pellet stove has meant that the heating is more steady and people no longer have to go out three or four hours in advance of an event to start up the stove. The improvements to the roof have also prevented what could have been fairly serious damage to the beautiful log building."
Kent Huscroft, President, Nechako Valley Sporting Association"Since our community hall's renovation project, there's already been an increase in use of the building. Skiers can come in and warm up and go out again. We have had a couple of big shoots with about fifty shooters at each and we raised over $4,000 for Ducks Unlimited. Being able to use the clubhouse at these events was a huge advantage. We are already planning a big shoot for next year, a first time event in the region - a northern BC registered target sporting clay shoot."
Kent Huscroft, President, Nechako Valley Sporting AssociationThe upgrades made to the Nechako Valley Sporting Association's clubhouse are adding value to Vanderhoof area residents and a number of community groups, providing a venue for a wide range of events that draw tourists to this rural community.
By making the clubhouse more usable and suitable for community rentals throughout the year, the society has increased the sustainability of the facility, increasing direct revenues they generate from event hosting and facility rentals while also dramatically reducing operational costs through the numerous energy efficiency improvements the project implemented. The upgrades that were done to the facility created short term work that was secured predominantly from local contractors, creating a direct positive economic benefit throughout the Vanderhoof community.
The hall is an important centre for Vanderhoof area and rural residents. The many renovations and energy efficiency improvements made to this facility is another 'good news' story in Vanderhoof and will act as an anchor facility supporting recreational activities for residents in Vanderhoof for years to come.