Barkerville and Wells Invest In Local Fuel Station To Support Tourism And Sustain The Community

In 2008, Barkerville Heritage Trust received a $30,000 grant from Northern Development through the Economic Diversification Infrastructure program towards this $105,110 project. This has been a funding partnership of Barkerville Heritage Trust, Northern Development, District of Wells, and Wells Service Station

2012- Motorists travelling down Highway 26 won’t be nervously watching their fuel gauge now that there is a new fuel station operating in the District of Wells to service local residents and tourists travelling to Historic Barkerville. When the fuel station wasn’t operating, the nearest place for tourists to fuel up was 80km away in Quesnel, meaning a 160km round trip without the ability to purchase fuel.

Given the economic importance of an operating gas station to both Wells, Barkerville, and Bowron Lakes Provincial Park, the Barkerville Heritage Trust has chosen to operate the new fuel station, which is a mutually beneficial partnership for all the communities.

"Having both gas and diesel fuel available in Wells is absolutely essential to Barkerville's survival and Barkerville is a key player in the regional economy providing an annual economic impact of 119 full-time equivalent employment positions and a total of $16.9M in economic activity. The impact of Northern Development's investment is being felt not only locally and regionally but across the province, as visitors to Barkerville travel along highways 97 and 16."

Judy Campbell, Chief Executive Officer, Barkerville Heritage Trust

Positive Economic Impacts in Barkerville

The re-establishment of this service has a positive impact on regional tourism with initial impacts to date including increasing the visitors' ability to travel to destinations beyond the Wells/Barkerville corridor including the Bowron Lakes, Cariboo Mountains Park, and the small community of Likely. The availability of fuel in Wells has ensured that Barkerville has held onto its market share through some of the most difficult years that tourism in northern BC has experienced. During the winter months, the availability of fuel has positive impacts on snowmobiling and associated tourism and recreational spending in the region.

Economic Diversification Infrastructure

The Economic Diversification Infrastructure program is no longer available. However, your project may still be eligible under one of our NEW programs.

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New Discoveries Fuel Expansion Of Tumbler Ridge's Palaeontology Research Centre

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