The BC Hydro Peace Agricultural Compensation Fund is a $20 million fund established by BC Hydro to support agricultural production and related economic activity in the Peace Region. This fund is governed by a regional decision-making board, responsible for overseeing the management and disbursement of the fund. They are seeking one member-at-large to serve on the board.
To serve as a member-at-large, you must be an agricultural producer who lives in the B.C. Peace Region.
Interested applicants are asked to read the Agricultural Mitigation and Compensation Plan (AMCP) to understand the board member roles. With that background, we ask that those interested in serving on the board provide us (via email to with detailed answers to the following questions:
1. Where in the B.C. Peace Region do you live and/or have agricultural operations?
2. Do you have operations that are located in the Peace River Valley between the Site C project dam site and Hudson’s Hope?
3. What is your involvement in B.C. Peace Region agricultural production and what would you contribute to the Agricultural Fund board to support Peace Region agriculture?
Letters of endorsement are not required, but applicants may choose to provide a letter to support their application.
Please send an email to indicating your interest in this opportunity and answering the above questions by November 2, 2022.
Read the Agricultural Mitigation and Compensation Plan (AMCP) by clicking here.
Visit the BC Hydro Peace Agricultural Compensation Fund program page by clicking here.