In 2006, District of 100 Mile House received a $125,000 grant from Northern Development through the Economic Diversification Infrastructure program towards this $685,500 project. This has been a funding partnership of District of 100 Mile House, Northern Development, BC Gaming, and Province of British Columbia
2012- The District of 100 Mile House has established the 100 Mile House Emergency Services Training Centre to host training sessions for emergency service providers.  At this facility, emergency service providers from across British Columbia learn and practice many skills that are required to be safe and proficient in carrying out their duties, particularly in rural settings. The centre has expanded the training opportunities available to emergency service providers from the region who in the past could only afford to train a small percentage of members receiving the training due to the distances and costs involved.
The 100 Mile House Emergency Services Training Centre has received certification from the Justice Institute of BC in order to ensure the highest standards of public safety education are met. The centre includes an active fire structure, confined space rescue training props, an auto extrication area, low angle embankment rescue and an ice rescue/drafting pond. There is also an area for Structural Firefighters to train in wild land/urban interface fire suppression.
The training facility is versatile as it can be used by a variety of users for a variety of different reasons. Many community groups take advantage of the facility including the local RCMP and Scouts Canada.
The construction of the Fire Training Centre has assisted the District of 100 Mile House in furthering the municipality's economic development objectives in a continual effort towards further diversifying the local economy. The training centre is a hub for fire training throughout central and northern BC, drawing in emergency service providers to stay in 100 Mile House for several nights while attending courses.
This project has resulted in one permanent part-time position created and several part-time instructor positions. The project saves the District of 100 Mile House $60,000 annually in costs that were previously incurred sending emergency service providers out of the area for appropriate training.
The benefits of a well trained fire department are improved safety, effectiveness, and performance on the emergency scene. This assists with the recruitment of new industry and business to the region, as the quality of emergency services is an important factor in site selection.