Economic Infrastructure grant assists with seed cleaning process in Fort St. John

April 5, 2024

The Fort St. John Seed Cleaning Cooperative Association is committed to significantly enhancing productivity and sustainability in farming practices within the Peace region. In 2022, the association successfully applied for a $300,000 Economic Infrastructure grant for the acquisition and installation of cutting-edge seed cleaning equipment, which will streamline the seed cleaning process for the betterment of local farmers.

The association integrated a Cimbria SEA Optical Sorter Chromex Colour Sorter, a Cimbria Heid Gravity Separator, and a Cimbria Delta Model 107 Super Cleaner within the seed plant located on the East Bypass near Fort St. John, an area central to the agricultural activities of the region.

The introduction of this machinery will enable the plant to efficiently eliminate unwanted seeds and foreign objects from a wide variety of grains, cereal crops, seeds, and pulses. This level of precision and efficiency in cleaning is unattainable without such sophisticated technology, often necessitating excessive chemical use in the field otherwise. Moreover, the enhancement will significantly boost the plant’s capacity and throughput, allowing it to serve more farmers in the surrounding areas by cleaning more seed than ever before.

“This project benefits the entire community and will for decades to come. Success means improved seed cleaning for all agricultural producers who use the service now and into the future,” said Wade Sutherland, vice chair, Fort St. John Cleaning Cooperative Association.

Currently, the cooperative association has around 400 member farmers from the Peace region, in addition to servicing non-member users. The demand for improved seed cleaning services has been a long-standing request from those who rely on the plant. Through the completion of this project, the association is set to fulfill this need, marking a significant milestone in its commitment to supporting local agriculture.

The Economic Infrastructure program supports projects of regional and local significance that contribute to economic growth and stronger communities. These projects include renovations or new construction of public multi-use facilities or capital investments that drive revenue and job creation within the community.