In 2020, Alchemy Dance Collective received a $7,331 grant from Northern Development through the Small Business Recovery (SBR) Consulting Rebate program towards this project. This has been a funding partnership of Northern Development
The Alchemy Dance Collective in Fort St. John first noticed a decline in enrolment in early 2020 when the downturn in the lumber industry caused a few families to drop out of dance classes due to less disposable income. The onset of COVID-19 caused an almost 50 per cent decrease of participants, which resulted in over a 50 per cent loss of income through lack of tuition fees, retail sales, dance competitions and year end recitals.
“We identified the need to refine the leadership and management priorities to further develop and build upon what each business owner best brings to the organization,” said Trent
Bellamy, director of Alchemy Dance Collective. “We worked with a consultant to develop a comprehensive operational review to ensure the leadership team can effectively manage the
challenges of a global recession and build a strong foundation for future growth and success.”
The Alchemy Dance Collective was able to hire a consultant thanks to a $7,331 rebate through the SBR program.
Through this project, the business leaders learned best practices and methods that will allow the dance collective to grow, as well as ways to make the best decisions for both operations and change management.
“We have applied practical leadership tools, knowledge and skills and formulated an action plan to expand on management capabilities to achieve business goals,” said Bellamy
Alchemy Dance Collective received a Small Business Recovery (SBR) Consulting Rebate to help them work with a consultant to identify ways to grow the business.